Nature notes from Appleton Wiske, 17 Feb 14

Helen Johnson looks at hedges on her walks round Appleton Wiske in Yorkshire Continue Reading →
Helen Johnson, Yorkshire Writer
Helen Johnson Freelance Writer
Helen Johnson looks at hedges on her walks round Appleton Wiske in Yorkshire Continue Reading →
Helen Johnson looks at early buds breaking in Appleton Wiske, and recalls that the weather was very different last January. Continue Reading →
For Dalesman Febraury 2014, Helen Johnson met Cameron Newham, who has set himself the task of photographing every rural church, including its artworks and monuments, in England. Continue Reading →
It’s the darkest time of the year, and most of us humans prefer to stay indoors, close to the heat and light of a fire. Much of the wildlife we Continue Reading →
Defence of North Yorkshire and Cleveland For Dalesman this month, I spoke to John Harwood and Stuart McMillan, who I first met many years ago. They’ve spent decades studying Continue Reading →
We’re all familiar with Yule as a term for the midwinter festival. We have Yuletide greetings, Yule log chocolate cakes, and Yule logs to burn on the fire. Continue Reading →
Nature notes, birds, insects, weather at the change of the year in Appleton Wiske Continue Reading →
November sees Remembrance Day. But some people spend all year Remembering, researching the details of the Fallen. One such person is John Knopp, of Snape, who has been trying to Continue Reading →
Helen Johnson looked at October seeds, fruits and berries in Appleton Wiske, Yorkshire Continue Reading →
Helen Johnson found knopper galls and spangle galls under oak trees in Appleton Wiske, Yorkshire Continue Reading →